Moggie for cats

visit human site download the app order the wearable

The first cat-only wearable that lets your human know how you are doing

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Moggie tracks your daily activity to identify any potential illnesses, relaying that info directly to your human's phone in easy-to-understand natural language because they are not very smart and don't speak cat.

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The purr-fect companion

Create a better connection with your human using the purr-fect companion

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Explore helpful tips to keep you happy and healthy and keep your human in the loop

Consider us your friendly cat experts. Dive into our content to give your human the best cat care advice, health tips and our favorite: cat trivia.

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Capture and share your special meow-ments together

We all know cats are the cutest (and they secretly love the limelight). Help your human share the best shots of their furry bestie with a community of cat lovers.

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Create a handy calendar so you never miss an appointment

Is your human forgetful? Can't remember if you are due for a deworming? Track all your important health dates and future appointments in one calendar so they never miss a beat.

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Send chats to your hairless human bff

We can't teach your human how to speak cat, but we did create a pretty cool AI-powered chat that sends notifications whenever you have an update for your human. Psst ... your kitty is hungry.

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Choose the one that works for you and your human

Freebie plan | 0 Euro/mo | Forever

  • Explore cat care tips, tricks and advice
  • Share meow-ments with fellow cat lovers
  • Access and manage your cat calendar

Full Plan | 12 Euro/mo | Billed Annually

  • Explore cat care tips, tricks and advice
  • Share meow-ments with fellow cat lovers
  • Access and manage your cat calendar
  • Receive helpful cat chats
  • View important data regarding your cat’s health
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Cat's are our thing

We love animals, and cats in particular. We're always looking for talented humans who are interested in building the future of the pet care market alongside us.

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